About Project


What is the project about?

Quality pre-school education programme contribute to the development of every child's potential and have major impact on later social life. Serbia has one of the lowest rates of child participation in pre-school education compared to EU countries. Approximately 50% of children aged 3 to 5.5 years attend pre-school education.

The European Union continues to provide support to the implementation of reforms in the field of pre-school education in Serbia, as the foundation for lifelong learning through a SUPER project.

Project activities 

The project activities will take place in 50 local self-governments and their respective pre-school institutions with the aim of:

  • Strengthening the professional capacities of local governments to plan and manage pre-school education;
  • Strengthening the professional competences of pre-school institution staff for delivering quality and inclusive pre-school education and
  • Advancing of legislative framework in the field of preschool education.

  • Education
EuropeAid reference
  • Strengthen professional capacities of local governments to plan and manage preschool education;
  • Strengthen professional competences of preschool institution staff for delivering quality and inclusive preschool education and
  • Advance legislative framework in the field of preschool education.
City / District
Belgrade, Serbia
EU Contribution
1,000,000 €
Negotiating chapter
  • 26 - Education and culture
Implementation period
March 2019 - September 2021
Ministry of Education, Science and Technological Development and 50 local self-governments and their respective preschool institutions
Implemented by
Particip GmbH in consortium with IB (Internationaler Bund), VBJK and CIP - Centre for Interactive Pedagogy